12 Amazing Home Remedies To Clear Clogged Ears

You have bad cold or you have just landed after hours of travel by the flight, and this has left you with clogged ears. This not only makes you annoyed but sometimes it becomes painful as well. So if you are looking out for immediate solution, home remedies are found to be the best to clear clogged ears.

When the ears are clogged, one generally tends to have a popping sensation in the ears or a kind of windy sound. For some it gets itchy or have the feeling of mucus or some kind of water inside the ears.

It also reduces the hearing capacity and when it is there for a long time, one also experiences a kind of pain in the ears.

There are several reasons which might cause clogged ears. It may be due to the blockage of Eustachian tubes, difference in pressure and air flow inside the ear or it may also be due to the accumulation of wax.

Whatever be the cause it is always better to get it treated at the earliest. Hence, one of the simplest ways to get rid of clogged ears is to go for natural remedies.

Here is a list of 12 amazing home remedies to clear clogged ears. Have a look.

1. Garlic oil:
Garlic is one of the best antibiotics. Take 3-4 cloves of garlic add it to one teaspoon of mustard oil, heat it for a while. Strain it, allow it to cool for a while and put few drops of it on the ear. Be it for pain relief or for stuffy ears this garlic oil is the best home remedy.

2. Olive oil:
Take a teaspoon of olive oil, heat it for a while. Allow it to cool and put few drops of it to the ear which is clogged. This is one of the best natural remedy for clogged ears.

3. Lavender Oil:
Add few drops of lavender oil to boiled water. Inhale the vapor, you can also cover your head with a towel. This is one of the simple ways to get rid of clogged ears.

4. Hot Water Steam:
Bring water to a boil. Inhale the steam. Do it for few times. This helps to loosen the ear wax as well as the mucous and provides instant relief from clogged ears.

5. Warm Water:
Apply few drops of warm water into the ear, stay in the tilted position for a while. Then take out the water after about few minutes. This is one best way to clear clogged ears.

6. Yawning:
Yawning helps in getting rid of clogged ears. When you yawn, the pressure in the ear gets balanced and this helps to clear the clogged ears naturally.

7. Warm Soup:
Having warm soup is one of the best ways to get rid of clogged ears naturally. It makes the mucus soft and thus clears the clogged ears.

8. Hot Spicy Food:
Surprising but true that hot and spicy food like chillies and pepper helps in decongesting the ears. The heat produced by these spicy hot food helps to get rid of clogged ears.

9. Gargle With Warm Salt Water:
Add a teaspoon of salt to warm water. Stir it and then gargle it for few seconds, repeat it for few times. This helps to provide relief from clogged ears.

10. Tea Tree Oil:
Add few drops of tea tree oil to boiled water. Take the vapor; you can also cover your head with a towel. This is proven to be effective in getting rid of clogged ears.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is antibacterial. Add apple cider vinegar with alcohol and then apply few drops it to the clogged ear. After about 10-15 minutes, remove the wax with ear bud. This helps to get rid of clogged ears.

12. Warm Compress:
For clogged ears due to cold and sinus, warm compress helps. Soak clean cloth in warm water, squeeze the water and keep the cloth on the clogged ear. This helps to open up the clogged ears.

Video URL : https://youtu.be/vACajpvzP7k
