10 Ways to Know if Someone is Lying to You

If you want to tell whether someone is lying, one way to spot a liar is to simply ask them. But will they tell the truth? To know if someone is lying, you need these simple tricks that will help you discern an honest person from a dishonest one.

Deception Detection Using Real-life Trial Data

Lie Detecting Software Uses Real Court Case Data

The brain Adapts to Dishonesty

How to Tell if Someone is Lying

Tell if Someone Is Lying to You According to Body Language Experts

How to Tell if Someone is Lying According to Researchers

Military Trick to Tell if Someone is Lying

Thanks to Tristan Reed (Senior Editor), Troy W. Hudson (VO), for helping to create this video!
For Troy: www.youtube.com/TroyWHudson
Music from Bensound.com
